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About Us

Formerly the Rural Routes Program initiative, Alberta Routes is in its 22nd year of providing high-quality professional development support and services to adult EAL (English as an Additional Language) providers and programs in the year 2024.

Alberta Routes receives funding from Skilled Trades and Professions and Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada for ongoing EAL capacity development services to rural and small urban EAL providers in Alberta.

We reach beyond NorQuest regional stewardship, as our programs are both provincially and federally funded. Our clientele includes the Community Adult Learning Programs (CALP) and their partners, as well as immigration organizations, churches and library programs that provide front-line service supporting newcomers seeking to better establish themselves in their communities throughout Alberta.   

Alberta Routes supports and builds the capacity of EAL practitioners so they can offer culturally integrated English language programs and services that support the economic and social integration of adult newcomers to Canada.  
We are committed to providing continued support to our current clients and welcome new communities, programs, and EAL providers.

Our regional advisors and intercultural communication specialists stay at the leading edge of new information, standards and resources being developed in Alberta and across the country in order to share this information through the services we offer. Our services align with Canadian Language Benchmarks, ATESL Best Practices, and Guidelines for ESL programming.