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Mentoring & Classroom Visits

Alberta Routes regional advisors are available to provide individual support to EAL practitioners in adult learning programs as a need arises post-workshop or throughout the program year.
Mentorship sessions are organic in nature.  They are initiated and driven by the EAL practitioners themselves and can consist of a series of progressive conversations, referrals, resource reviews, or any type of EAL-related organizational support. 
In their role as mentors, regional advisors align with the ATESL (Alberta Teachers of English as a Second Language), Canadian Language Benchmarks, ongoing NorQuest research and Provincial Government recommendations as guidelines for any support they provide.
Topics that advisors can support EAL practitioners on:

  • Starting an EAL Program
  • Intake testing
  • Assessment
  • Canadian Language Benchmarks
  • Workplace English
  • Learning disabilities
  • Cultural Awareness
Instructors can also request regional advisors to visit their classes on-site or online and discuss areas of strength and improvement following the class observation. This service is offered to both new and continuing instructors. (Note: This service is not available for one-on-one tutoring sessions, in the interest of supporting the creation of a safe space for learners.)

Feedback from and discussions with Alberta Routes advisors will remain confidential and aim only to support the instructor’s personal and professional growth, which can positively impact learners’ progress. 

Contact your Rural Routes Regional Advisor to request any of the above services.